汉娜塔尔: Current 荣誉项目 Student Profile

  1. What is your major?
    Theatre Studies

  2. What is your home city/state?
    Floyds Knobs, Indiana

  3. Why did you choose to attend UE?
    I chose to attend UE because of the great opportunities in the theatre program, and the welcoming, family feeling across the whole campus.

  4. Why did you choose to participate in the 荣誉项目?
    I chose to participate in the 荣誉项目 to enroll in classes which would challenge me academically and to be part of a community of similarly minded people.

  5. What do you enjoy most about the 荣誉项目?
    My favorite thing about the 荣誉项目 has been getting to plan events for the Honors community with the Honors Activity Board. It's great to learn about the different events happening on campus and create opportunities for Honors students to attend together.

  6. What advice would you give to future UE honors students?
    While being part of the 荣誉项目 might mean your academic load will be more challenging, it doesn't mean that you will need to spend all your time on your classes. You can still be involved in anything you could dream of being involved in on campus. Challenge yourself to make the most of your college experience!

  7. What has been your favorite Honors class so far, and why?
    My favorite Honors class so far has been my FYS class with Dr. Petrosillo. We studied Ovid's 变形记, and it was amazing to learn about how these stories that were told so long ago are still influencing our world. We took a deep analysis of each story, which was very engaging and fun.

  8. What are your plans/goals following graduation?
    I still have a while to go before needing to figure out my post-graduation plans, but one of my dreams is to work for a non-profit theatre which values outreach in a community.